

Treatment of heart attack requires urgent intervention to save life. Subsequently, long-term treatment is necessary to avoid coronary complications in the medium and long term.

1. PREHOSPITAL TREATMENT: first aid an prehospital treatment (oxygen intravenously, chewable aspirin, nitrates for pain, performing an ECG by emergency personnel and referral to a medical center).


Immediate treatment depending on the type of myocardial infarction: 

-       ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: the treatment consists of returning the blood to the part of the heart that has been left without it for reperfusion. An urgent catheterization or angiography can be done to unclog the artery with a probe or thrombolysis (the injection of a substance to break up the thrombus that is blocking the artery).

There are also other treatments aimed at preventing arrhythmias and preventing the thrombus that clogs the artery from continuing to grow or obstructing again, therefore, many of the treatments are medicines that prevent blood clotting

Once the patient's life has been saved, an assessment is made to see the extent of the injury and to be able to apply a more personalized treatment.

-       Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: the treatment is with medicines that reduce blood coagulation, but without the need to urgently unclog the artery. Occasionally, myocardial revascularization surgery is necessary for patients with: major or equivalent left coronary artery disease, left ventricular dysfunction or treated diabetes.


3. LONG-TERM AND REHABILITATOR TREATMENT AFTER THE ACUTE PHASE: aimed at preventing the progression of coronary arteriosclerosis to avoid complications in the future. This treatment consists of:
/ Perform a functional assessment: to see the changes and results in the rehabilitation

/ Control blood pressure.

/ Perform physical exercise supervised by the doctor and depending on the characteristics of the patient.

/ If overweight or obese, lose weight.
/ If the patient is diabetic, check the glucose level.

/ Give up smoking.

/ Diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol

/ Treatment with platelet antiaggregating.

/ Treatment with anticoagulants.

/ Treatment with medicines to lower cholesterol.


Cardiac rehabilitation program: the main objective of rehabilitation is a change in lifestyle: a heart-healthy diet, physical exercise and not smoking, and the importance of taking medication correctly. Normally the patients who go to rehabilitation are: patients with ischemic heart disease, heart failure and patients who have undergone valve replacement surgery. This program consists of three phases:

/ Phase 1: time that the patient is admitted to the hospital.

/ Phase 2: when the patient is discharged, he has supervised physical training, advice on diet, psychological interventions, pharmacological control and control of risk factors.

/ Phase 3: the patient has to put into practice all the recommendations learned in the previous phase.

CAUSES AND PREVENTION MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION: Myocardial infarction is a cardiovascular disease that affects the circulatory system (blood...